martes, 16 de diciembre de 2014

GREETINGS from students at school

Click on the image to read the acrostic poems our students at 2º ESO A have written to greet everybody in the holidays coming.

martes, 2 de diciembre de 2014

Verbal TENSES. Future time

Click on the image to follow a visual presentation to review the use of verbal tenses.
Then, you can practise the use of future tenses you are studying in unit 3: future progressive and perfect future.
Also you can download these worksheets to review future time.

lunes, 1 de diciembre de 2014

Thanksgiving day and countdown to shopping time?

Last thursday 27th november Americans celebrated Thanksgiving day. Follow the presentation to learn about the origins and history of such a festival.

Thanksgiving day from Telma Lenita Zen

After this day the countdown for shopping time in USA before Christmas time is shot. This tendency is spreading throughout Europe too. We all  hear of Black Friday in our country now. Follow the links to read about this special day.


lunes, 24 de noviembre de 2014

El bilingüismo. ¿Por qué es bueno para nuestro cerebro?

¿Por qué es positivo aprender en más de una lengua? Seguro que a menudo os lo preguntáis y aunque quienes sois habituales de este blog ya participáis de una manera u otra en él como alumnado, profesorado, como padres/madres...creo que os será útil leer este artículo publicado en el País este mes.

Does being bilingual make you smarter? Watch the video. Then you can read some more articles related to the great benefits of bilingualism for our brain:

lunes, 17 de noviembre de 2014

Adventure and Emergency situations

Tsunami Thailand 2004

  • Activity 1: Speaking
In units 1 and 2 we have learnt vocabulary in the fields of adventure and emergency. Here you are a picture of the most serious, devastating and thrilling natural disasters of the recent times in history.
Describe the picture in detail. What can you see? Where is it happening?...

  • Activity 2: Reading
Read the text in the following link about the film The Impossible (2012) inspired by a Spanish family of survivors in the chaotic destruction of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami.
  • Activity 3: Listen and watch
Watch the video of an interview with Naomi Watts, the female protagonist  of the film by J. A. Bayona and María Belón the woman who lived  together with her family such a horrifying experience and had the fortune to survive . 
Later you will work on this worksheet to check your understanding.

lunes, 27 de octubre de 2014

Portfolio tasks 2015 for Trinity examinations

As you know, our school is a registered Exam Centre for students enrolled in it. . Those of you who are interested in the exams please contact your teachers in class. Our Language Assistant this year, Stacey Limones, is having a conversation lesson to help you.

Here you are the portfolio tasks for 2015.

jueves, 23 de octubre de 2014

HAPPY everybody!!

Halloween isn't just costumes and candy; it's a cultural holiday rich in tradition. Follow the video below from the National Geographic about the origin of this tradition that is celebrated all around the world.

 Do you enjoy scary, spooky stories? Do you like getting dressed up in costumes? If that is the case watch the video. Michael Jackson's Thriller is one of the hits in pop music of all times. Listen to the song, follow the lyrics and have fun!!

martes, 14 de octubre de 2014

Back from our Comenius visit to France

Here we are again at school a bit tired but full of the positive energy after such an experience. We have just spent a week in Pau where we have worked together in the project finding links between the worlds of Sciences and Arts, made friends, visited new places and even enjoyed a "rafting time" experience where you had great fun.

The work at school and the activities outside took from 6th to 11th october. We left our place on Sunday 5th and arrived at Sevilla airport on 12th at 21:00.

We give thanks again to the group of teachers at the Lycèe Barthou who did great job with the activities and to the host families for their hospitality.

You can follow this link with some photos and videos from the project in Pau.

lunes, 6 de octubre de 2014

Comenius week in France 5th-12th October 2014

Here you are the photo of the team participating in the Comenius experience in the Lycée Barthou in Pau: Juan José Cano, Paula Triviño, Marga Gil, Elena Romero and Ángeles Mohammed together with their teachers Mª Fernanda and me.

Where is Noelia? Upps!! Below you can find her together with other members of the team some of those worked hard in the previous visit: Alicia, Esther and Alejandro; the rest will go ahead with the next visits: Isabel,Tamara and Manuel.


miércoles, 24 de septiembre de 2014

European Day of Languages 26th september

El Año Europeo de las Lenguas 2001, organizado de manera conjunta por el Consejo de Europa y la Unión Europea, logró implicar a millones de personas en los 45 países participantes a través de actividades que celebraban la diversidad en Europa y promovían el aprendizaje de lenguas.Han pasado más de 12 años y seguimos interesados en:
 1º.- Destacar la importancia del aprendizaje de lenguas y diversificar la variedad de lenguas que se aprenden con el objetivo de incrementar el plurilingüismo y la comunicación intercultural. 
2º.-Promover la riqueza de la diversidad lingüística y cultural de Europa, que debemos preservar y potenciar.
 3º.-Promover el aprendizaje permanente de lenguas tanto dentro como fuera de la escuela, ya sea con el propósito de realizar estudios, intercambios, por necesidades profesionales, movilidad o placer..

Can you identify the different languages in which you hear people saying Hello?

And now watch the promotional spot. Can you repeat after them?

Would you like to speak to people in foreign countries? I know your answer is Yes, I would. Watch the video below and play the game either in English or French.

If yiu want to learn more about the different languages people speak around the world click on the following link.

domingo, 14 de septiembre de 2014

A website to revise

Here you are an excellent website to revise grammar, pronunciation and vocabulary. It's a good practice for those of you interested in the Trinity exams.

viernes, 12 de septiembre de 2014

lunes, 12 de mayo de 2014

Comenius week in our school.

Una semana inolvidable acaba de terminar.
A great week with 23 foreign students from Finland, Germany, Italy, Czech Republic and France together with 10 teachers in our school is over and we conclude the experience has been incredible for both hosts and guests. Some of you gave a warmhearted goodbye to your friends and even cried at the airport. Our aim of making friends is fulfilled and also the topic of the project Sciences and Arts has been faced through the different activities and visits of the programme.
Thank you very much for your participation . Here you are a link to some photos and videos  of the visit.

jueves, 1 de mayo de 2014

A week to the Comenius meeting!!

Just a week to receive our guests at school and at home. From monday to thursday we're having our last meetings to get everything ready. The last scheduling is the following:

viernes, 11 de abril de 2014

A month before the Comenius visit

It's just a month left to receive such a big group of foreigners in our school, our town San José de La Rinconada and our city Seville.
Here you are a photo of the Comenius team in one of our meetings to work for the project.

Very soon you will get information of the definite programme for the visit.

lunes, 17 de marzo de 2014


All the Happiness, Luck, Love and Fortune for everybody on the national day of Ireland. It is celebrated all over the world with great parades as that in the city of Dublin or New York. It is a global celebration of every Irish thing.Did you know there is a river in  in USA dyed in green colour? What is the name of the city?


And now watch this video!!

sábado, 15 de marzo de 2014

BECAS INMERSIÓN LINGÜÍSTICA: Bachillerato y Ciclos Formativos

El pasado 10 de marzo en el BOE se publicó la Resolución de 18 de febrero de 2014, de la Secretaría de Estado de Educación, Formación Profesional y Universidades, por la que se convocan becas para la participación en un programa intensivo de inmersión lingüística en inglés en España, destinadas a estudiantes de Bachillerato, de Grado Medio de Formación Profesional así como a los de Artes Plásticas y Diseño, de Enseñanzas Deportivas, Profesionales de Música y Danza y de Idiomas de Nivel Intermedio y Avanzado.
El plazo de presentación es de 20 días hábiles a contar desde el 11 de marzo. Si pinchas en este enlace podrás acceder a las instrucciones del BOE.

Good luck ¡Buena suerte!

domingo, 23 de febrero de 2014

Comenius Project: Back to Sevilla from Istituto I. Giacomo Perlasca

This is the Comenius group at the entrance of the school in Idro-Vobarno on 10th february 2014. It was a rainy day but we took advantage of all the presentations and activities teachers and students had prepared in the morning. A higher quality photo of the group as well as lots of more pictures and videos of the visit will be uploaded in next entries.

El próximo martes día 25 a las 18:00 horas están convocados padres/madres y alumnado participante en el proyecto pues tenemos un gran reto en nuestro instituto el mes de mayo entrante. Las actividades, tareas y visitas organizadas en el Gymnazium Ràjec- Jestrebi de República Checa el pasado mes de noviembre y las del Istituto I. Giacomo Perlasca en Italia han sido de tal calidad que requiere un gran esfuerzo por nuestra parte para abordar el tema del proyecto: Ciencias y Arte: mejorando el vínculo en el contexto de nuestro país, región, localidad y poner el nombre de nuestro centro en Europa.

viernes, 7 de febrero de 2014

Travelling to Italy: second visit

Next Sunday eight students from 1º Bachillerato together with Antonia Montes and me are travelling to the Istituto di Istruzione di Valle di Sabia: Idro-Vobarno in the north of Italy. We are going to spend a week there sharing the Comenius experience with students and teachers from Italy, Finnland, France, Czech Republic and Germany . Here you are a video presentation that Amparo, Alejandro, Esther, Alicia, Paola, Cristina and Mª Jesús have prepared for the visit.

domingo, 26 de enero de 2014

A walking day around the city centre

The Comenius team travelling to Italy show you some of the landmarks of the historic city of Sevilla. Alejandro, Puri, Esther, Alicia, Amparo, Paola y Mª Jesús will become "cicerones" (guide-leaders) together with the resrt of the group lodging the European students next May and they are practising these days. Click on the photo and watch the video.

And now enjoy a walk along Triana neighbourhood.

sábado, 25 de enero de 2014

Comenius Project: 2nd visit Italy february 2014

From the title of the project we have derived this "word cloud".

Here you are a poster we are working on as part of the multilateral project. Click on the photo, watch, listen and read

And now the students show you two of the most representative places of the capital city.

sábado, 18 de enero de 2014

More about Trinity exams

Os recuerdo desde aquí que los interesados en presentarse a las pruebas ISE I o ISE II en el centro deben ponerse en contacto conmigo directamente o a través de vuestr@s profesores de inglés o tutores. De esta forma se os facilitará el número de cuenta en el que debéis ingresar el importe de la matrícula.

Os subo en esta entrada el documento completo al que podéis acceder también desde la web de trinity college. ISE booklet for teachers and students. En la parte final a partir de la página 66 fijaos en los apéndices 1,2,4, 5 y 8. En este último es importante que comprobéis los requerimientos lingüísticos para cada nivel y los temas que abordar en la entrevista.

I have written in Spanish to make things clear for students and families. have to write and speak in English.

martes, 14 de enero de 2014

Comenius week in Rájec-Jestrebi November 2013

Comenius project goes ahead and next February a group of students of 1º Bachillerato will be at Istituto di Istruzione Superiore Di Valle di Sabia in Italy. We are working on the tasks, getting things ready ...

Here you are the video trailer of the previous visit as it was made and designed by Czech students  at Rájec Gymnazium. They did great job . CONGRATULATIONS!!

miércoles, 8 de enero de 2014

Trinity dates for written exam

For those of you  interested in the examinations for the present school year I remind you that the date being suggested for the Written Examination in the school is wednesday 2nd April 2014.

By now you are supposed to be working on your Portfolios. Choose one topic for each of the writing parts from the Portfolio tasks for the year 2014. You can find them in a previous entry of this blog.