domingo, 26 de enero de 2014

A walking day around the city centre

The Comenius team travelling to Italy show you some of the landmarks of the historic city of Sevilla. Alejandro, Puri, Esther, Alicia, Amparo, Paola y Mª Jesús will become "cicerones" (guide-leaders) together with the resrt of the group lodging the European students next May and they are practising these days. Click on the photo and watch the video.

And now enjoy a walk along Triana neighbourhood.

sábado, 25 de enero de 2014

Comenius Project: 2nd visit Italy february 2014

From the title of the project we have derived this "word cloud".

Here you are a poster we are working on as part of the multilateral project. Click on the photo, watch, listen and read

And now the students show you two of the most representative places of the capital city.

sábado, 18 de enero de 2014

More about Trinity exams

Os recuerdo desde aquí que los interesados en presentarse a las pruebas ISE I o ISE II en el centro deben ponerse en contacto conmigo directamente o a través de vuestr@s profesores de inglés o tutores. De esta forma se os facilitará el número de cuenta en el que debéis ingresar el importe de la matrícula.

Os subo en esta entrada el documento completo al que podéis acceder también desde la web de trinity college. ISE booklet for teachers and students. En la parte final a partir de la página 66 fijaos en los apéndices 1,2,4, 5 y 8. En este último es importante que comprobéis los requerimientos lingüísticos para cada nivel y los temas que abordar en la entrevista.

I have written in Spanish to make things clear for students and families. have to write and speak in English.

martes, 14 de enero de 2014

Comenius week in Rájec-Jestrebi November 2013

Comenius project goes ahead and next February a group of students of 1º Bachillerato will be at Istituto di Istruzione Superiore Di Valle di Sabia in Italy. We are working on the tasks, getting things ready ...

Here you are the video trailer of the previous visit as it was made and designed by Czech students  at Rájec Gymnazium. They did great job . CONGRATULATIONS!!

miércoles, 8 de enero de 2014

Trinity dates for written exam

For those of you  interested in the examinations for the present school year I remind you that the date being suggested for the Written Examination in the school is wednesday 2nd April 2014.

By now you are supposed to be working on your Portfolios. Choose one topic for each of the writing parts from the Portfolio tasks for the year 2014. You can find them in a previous entry of this blog.